Pub. 3 Issue 3

21 FALL 2015 JUST PUT IT ON THE COMPANY CARD… NOBODY WILL NOTICE. YOU’RE REALLY SHOWING OFF YOUR BEST ASSETS TODAY. I NEVER WEAR THE SAFETY GOGGLES. THEY LEAVE A MARK. THEY’RE WORRIED ABOUT OVERTIME. I’M JUST WORKING OFF THE CLOCK. 444 South Flower Street • Suite 1590 • Los Angeles, CA 90071 • 213.330.4500 • ATLANTA BALTIMORE BOSTON CHARLOTTE CHICAGO CLEVELAND NEW ORLEANS ORLANDO PHILADELPHIA PHOENIX PORTLAND LOS ANGELES LOUISVILLE MEMPHIS NEW ENGLAND NEW JERSEY GULFPORT HOUSTON IRVINE KANSAS CITY LAS VEGAS COLUMBIA COLUMBUS DALLAS DENVER FORT LAUDERDALE SAN ANTONIO SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO TAMPA WASHINGTON, D.C. The things employees say when you’re not around can cause legal troubles for you. Fisher & Phillips provides practical solutions to workplace legal problems. This includes helping you find and fix these kinds of employee issues before theymake theirway fromthewater cooler to the courthouse. What you don’t hear can still hurt you. 342-FISH Los Angeles Dealer 7.5x4.625.indd 1 4/10/14 3:56 PM Call us for a Free consultation: 888.959.2869 Cost Employee Perception Healthcare Reform HR Compliance Employee Communication Health Risk Score Let us Fix your Employee Bene  t Problems, whether they be: