Pub. 3 Issue 4

19 SPRING 2016 CONGRATULATIONSTOTHEGLANCDASPONSORED TEAM FROM VAN NUYS HIGH SCHOOL FOR FINISHING 5TH IN THE NATION AT THE NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY COMPETITION! Teammates Alejandro Martinez and Davit Apikyan were led by instructor Joe Agruso, and mentored by GLANCDA Dealer Member Keyes Lexus. This was the second straight year Van Nuys High School represented the Association at the event. The National Automotive Technology Competition is a test of skill, a measure of knowledge, and a race against the clock-all rolled into one. It featured hundreds of the nation's best high school automotive education students from across the country competing for the title of The Nation's Best Automotive Technician. This year more than $3 million in prizes and scholarships were awarded to participat- ing students and schools thanks to the generous support of almost every major automaker, industry suppliers, local dealerships, and dealers associations. This nationally recognized competition, which was developed in 1993 by the Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association to help curb the shortage of qualified automotive technicians and raise the level of vocational education stan- dards in the public school system. Leading up to the national finals, which took place at the New York International Automobile Show at the end of March, regional and state contests were held across the country to determine the nation's best automotive students. The win- ning student teams then moved on to represent their state at the national finals in New York City. HOW THE CONTEST WORKS: Each two-person student teammust diagnose and repair a number of pre-assigned problems under a car's hood within an allotted amount of time. Each "bug" cor- rectly repaired is worth a number of points, depending on the level of difficulty. In addition, the student's overall knowledge is tested through a series of written tests prepared by the ASE.  NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE