Pub. 4 Issue 2
Serving the Dealer Industry for Over 35 Years Attorneys at F erruzzo & F erruzzo, LLP have represented new vehicle dealerships, collectively for over 160 years - auto dealership related! Buy-Sell Agreements: Tom Ferruzzo - 35 years, Jim Barone - 31 years, Litigation: Jim Ferruzzo - 35 years, Greg Ferruzzo - 23 years, Succession Planning: Jim Leese - 22 years auto, 37 years total, Real Estate Transactions: Gordon Scholte - 16 years auto, 35 years total. Transactions for Dealerships A Limited Liability Partnership, including Professional Corporations 949.608.6900 | FERRUZZO & FERRUZZO LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW | Our Practice Is Rooted In Strong Relationships Negotiating and Drafting Buy-Sell Agreements Estate Planning for Dealers Negotiation of Computer Software, & Hardware agreements Negotiating Capital Loan and Lender Agreements Real Estate Acquisitions and Financing Relocations Negotiation of Executive Compensation Negotiating Government Loans and Incentive Agreements Agreements and Buy-Ins Dealings with Manufacturers Litigation Support Protests before the New Motor Vehicle Board Litigation in all State and Federal Courts Customer Dispute Resolution including lemon law claims Represented Dealerships in seven of the Arbitrations in Hearings Before DMV, AQMD, RWQC, OSHA, California regarding the GM Bankruptcy BUSINESS LAW | LITIGATION | ESTATE PLANNING | REAL ESTATE | TAX | EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES
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