Pub. 4 Issue 2

Serving the Dealer Industry for Over 35 Years Attorneys at F erruzzo & F erruzzo, LLP have represented new vehicle dealerships, collectively for over 160 years - auto dealership related! Buy-Sell Agreements: Tom Ferruzzo - 35 years, Jim Barone - 31 years, Litigation: Jim Ferruzzo - 35 years, Greg Ferruzzo - 23 years, Succession Planning: Jim Leese - 22 years auto, 37 years total, Real Estate Transactions: Gordon Scholte - 16 years auto, 35 years total. Transactions for Dealerships A Limited Liability Partnership, including Professional Corporations 949.608.6900 | FERRUZZO & FERRUZZO LLP ATTORNEYS AT LAW | Our Practice Is Rooted In Strong Relationships  Negotiating and Drafting Buy-Sell Agreements  Estate Planning for Dealers  Negotiation of Computer Software, & Hardware agreements  Negotiating Capital Loan and Lender Agreements  Real Estate Acquisitions and Financing  Relocations  Negotiation of Executive Compensation  Negotiating Government Loans and Incentive Agreements Agreements and Buy-Ins  Dealings with Manufacturers Litigation Support  Protests before the New Motor Vehicle Board  Litigation in all State and Federal Courts  Customer Dispute Resolution including lemon law claims  Represented Dealerships in seven of the Arbitrations in  Hearings Before DMV, AQMD, RWQC, OSHA, California regarding the GM Bankruptcy BUSINESS LAW | LITIGATION | ESTATE PLANNING | REAL ESTATE | TAX | EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES