Pub. 5 Issue 2

17 Cerritos College Career Fair and Donation Presentation. O n Tu e s - day eve- ning Oc- t ob e r 1, GLANC- DA hosted a career fair at the Cerritos College Auto- motive building. This event brought over 60 students and 9 dealership groups to- gether, and allowed for dis- cussion of present and future job opportunities that exist in New Car Dealerships. Additionally, a gift in the amount of $10,000.00 was presented to the Cerritos Foundation earmarked for automotive scholarships and equipment needs. Dealer- ship owner and GLANCDA board member Greg Boz- zani of Bozzani Volkswagen was instrumental in making this grant happen, and was present for the event, and check presentation. The Southland Association and its Executive Director Todd Leutheuser were also in- strumental in helping with this event. GLANCDA rema i ns committed to supporting the automotive programs in the numerous Los Angeles area community colleges. Help- ing build career pathways for good paying jobs that exist in dealerships requires this strong partnership between education and industry. 