Pub. 5 Issue 3

6 Issue 1 2020 Mike Sullivan Subaru Pacific Gone to the Dogs Rescue team Exterior VWSM Vintage LA Dealer Mag Article Mike Dogs LAcarGUY Mardi Gras Employee Celebration 2020 Mike with Cisco and Dave Wicks vintage VWs Lexus Santa Monica Exterior M ike Sullivan is the owner of the LAcar- GUYFamily of Deal- erships, a group of 12 award-winning deal- erships in Los Angeles. The dealer group started when Mike’s father, “Sully” Sulli- van took ownership of Volkswagen Santa Monica, in 1974. Mike joined his father in the business in 1976, working his way up through the ranks and eventually convinc- ing his dad to partner with him in 1989 and open Lexus Santa Monica, one of the first Lexus dealerships in the U.S. By1998, thedealershipgrouphadgrown tonine andMike’s foresight about the future of the internet led to the creation of LAcar- The LAcarGUY website and brand allowed him to connect all of his dealerships on one website, enabling more efficient marketing as well as attaching a less corporate brand to his family of dealerships. The LAcarGUY brand also became the figurehead for a big push into community involvement and environmen- tal causes. By 2015, the LAcarGUY family of deal- erships includedVolkswagenSantaMonica, Lexus SantaMonica, ToyotaSantaMonica, Subaru Santa Monica, Toyota of Holly- wood, Porsche South Bay, Audi Pacific, Pacific Volkswagen and Subaru Pacific. With business improving year over year Mike expanded his reach into the Antelope Valley in 2017, welcoming his first Honda dealership (Honda Lancaster) and his third Subaru rooftop (Subaru Antelope Valley) into the LAcarGUY family. Mike added his 12thdealership, Honda SantaMonica in 2019, his fifth dealership in Santa Monica. Community involvement and sustain- ability have always been important toMike. Growing up an avid surfer, Mike was inspired early on to do what he could to change an “environmentally challenged” automotive industry. Mike currently serves on the boards of Heal the Bay and the Environmental Media Association. His 30+ years of dedication to the green community has also enabled LAcarGUY to become one of the top hybrid/electric dealer groups in the country. GLANCDA had the opportunity to meet with Mike recently for a Q&A about his thoughts regarding the industry andhow be built his brand. How did you become a car dealer? Did you always aspire to be part of the automotive industry? My father, “Sully” Sullivan, got into the auto industry right afterWWII, in 1948. He spent 20 years running Ford stores and in 1964 moved to VW. In 1969, he bought into his first store, but our dealer group started when he took ownership of Volkswagen Santa Monica, in 1974. I started working with my dad in 1976. I was 23 years old, and I workedmy way up  SULLIVAN — continued on page 8 GLANCDA Dealer Spotlight :